Company Values

1. Integrity

We believe that integrity is fundamental. Both personally and professionally, we uphold that your word is your word, even when it’s hard.  



2. Extreme ownership

We believe that each individual needs to take full responsibility for their roles as well as those of everyone else, including those who report to them. There is always some portion that everyone owns. 



3. Unusual servanthood

We believe unusual servanthood and generosity are fundamental.  We recognize we have the privilege of serving internal and external stakeholders to the organization. 



4. Family First

We acknowledge that our responsibility is first and foremost to our personal families and to be able to provide for them. 



5. connect as friends. function as a team

We believe that by supporting and caring for one another we ultimately become a stronger team, so we choose to treat each other with the utmost care and compassion.  We also realize that for us to function well, each person has a role to play and is accountable for that role. 



6. pursue what's next

We believe in challenging the status quo, to pursue innovation and continuous improvement, both personally and professionally.  



7. solve problems

We believe that solving problems is the way we remain relevant to those we serve.  To that end, we empower people to seek innovative solutions, make bold decisions, and realize results.  

8. results-driven

We believe that results matter. Planning is key and promises are important, but ultimately, it is the results that matter to the customer, to the company, and to each of us personally.